Hello hello! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas with family and loved ones. I thought I would pop in today to share the highlight of my Christmas Day. No, I didn’t announce any BIG news (there is none, believe me), but I had an incredibly touching moment nonetheless. Last Friday I took my 10 year old nephew shopping so he could buy his mom, dad, sister, and brother presents. It’s a tradition I’ve done with him for a few years now and it’s always a special time of us arguing back and forth on what gifts to buy for everyone. This year he was so thoughtful in picking out everything and I kept thinking this little one is growing up to be such a good kid. Christmas rolled around and as I walked in to my sister’s house for Christmas breakfast my nephew brought me a gift that he had picked out just for me! It was such a sweet sweet moment as I saw the anticipation in his eyes for me to rip that present open and see what was inside. It really brought this holiday into perspective for me – of course, it’s about the birth of our Savior, but it’s also about giving. Giving not only gifts that brighten peoples’ days, but also giving of ourselves. Reaching out and showing others you care with a smile, a hug, a thank you. That was the merriest part of my day, what was yours? I would love to hear!