by Marianne | Aug 7, 2014 | outfits
photography by Behind the Face Photography I’ve heard it said that laughter is the best medicine. Add in some wine and your very best friend and I’d say you’re on your way to a very good life. Last week my sister and I spent an evening at Coffee Bar...
by Marianne | Jul 17, 2014 | building a wardrobe
I think it’s safe to say we all know the importance of a few good little black dresses. It’s by far the most versatile dress, transitions easily from season to season, and can be worn for many different occasions. I recently added a few more LBD’s to...
by Marianne | Apr 17, 2014 | shopping, style
The blogosphere is abuzz with news of the Shopbop friends and family event and while Shopbop’s goods are amazing almost everything is still out of my price range. I just can’t justify spending $100+ on a dress when I can find one elsewhere at a much...