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Happy weekend! Tomorrow marks the official start of summer! I can hardly believe it. It’s also my dad’s birthday and the start of my nephew’s all-star season – I’m talking baseball – which are two things I am looking forward to this weekend. I’m also a very happy girl because I am reclaiming my weekends! No more working on the weekend for me hopefully for a while. I’m literally high-fiving myself right now.
Tonight I am attending an event for work showing off the progress of our new studio. It will be the first time I see the space which I am really looking forward to! Added bonus Taco Shack is catering – yum.
Saturday is all booked up and Sunday I’m sure I’ll find something to do. Maybe I’ll visit Stuart’s Farmer’s Market after church and pick up beautiful baskets of fruit like the ones above. There’s something about summer that makes me want to consume more fruit – is this the case for anyone else?
In other news. I went on a shopping binge yesterday at Forever 21 and am now kicking myself because today and tomorrow they’re offering 20% off! Of course this would happen to me. Here’s a look at what I picked up and some extra pieces that you should add to your wardrobe. That’s it from me. Have a wonderful weekend!