photography by Behind the Face Photography
Did you know that I offer an array of wardrobe consulting services? I love to shop, love interacting with new people, and love seeing the confidence that comes when women put on an outfit that fits and flatters. I truly believe that what you put on your body says a lot about how you feel about yourself. In my posts I really try to showcase items that lots of women would feel comfortable wearing. I try trends, sure, but I always come back to what I call the building blocks of a well-curated wardrobe. All that being said, I know pretty well what’s going to work on my body, but I am not at any rate a fit expert. When I shop with my clients I make them try on everything I pull. It’s the only way they will know and I will know what works for them. It also pushes them out of their comfort zone by making them try styles they would normally pass by. Of course, there are things that don’t fit or flatter, but that’s why you try stuff on. I ‘m always giving new trends a try simply because I won’t know until I try it on how it will fit. I thought I’d never find a maxi dress that would be short enough for me and I definitely didn’t think I could pull off the crop top, but there are some that actually work. I know all this and found some great items all because I tried stuff on. So, go try things on! You never know what you’ll find.
Need a refresher on the building blocks of a well curated wardrobe series? Click the images above or see them all here.