My little niece Emmi – isn’t she the cutest?! – turns seven today! She is a gem. Tough, but girly, sensitive and thoughtful. She has a gift of knowing when you need a hug or smile or hand squeeze and is always doling out the sweetest compliments to give your confidence a boost. My sister and I recently had Emmi along on a shopping trip to Forever 21 and she LOVED it. It was the cutest thing. She obsessed over everything glittery, sparkly, pink, and “cute.” Leah and I believe we have quite the fashionista in the making. As we neared the checkout Emmi locked in on all the beauty and accessory items and quickly started asking for EVERYTHING. So, this year I loaded up on girly gifts for her and am hoping I hear a squeal later today when she opens them. I’m not 100% sure what I’ll get her for Christmas, perhaps some books for the budding reader she is becoming. Regardless, these items are sure to please any 7, 8, 9, or 18 – maybe I’m pushing it here – year old.