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Almost everywhere around the country people are getting their first glimpse of fall. Living in Florida for most of my life I have missed out on this year after year as “real” fall may not arrive until January. In spite of all that, we Floridians do our best to partake in all the regular fall activities while melting in the hot sun. We still have hayrides and Halloween, pumpkin spice lattes at Starbucks, traditional fall fare, Friday night football games, and high school homecomings.

>As a teen I missed out on fall homecomings as our school didn’t have a football team. We had homecoming in December during our basketball season. I can still remember every dress I wore. Some great, some not so great. In honer of homecoming dances near and far I picked some of my favorite dresses for the occasion all under $100 which will make mammas across the country rejoice. So, here’s to fall and dancing to the cha cha slide in your high school gymnasium or in my case on a boat because my school was that cool or small whichever.