photography by Behind the Face Photography
Last week’s building blocks post was all about showing the building blocks I’ve discussed so far in action. Simple, basic, I think you got it down – delicate necklace, white blouse, blazer, dark skinny jeans, black pumps. Today’s post is much of the same but deconstructed. If you’re not feeling the blazer for your outfit, lose it and wear the remaining pieces together. It’s a little more of a relaxed look, but still very chic and pulled together. If you still feel too fancy even without the blazer untuck the shirt, add a pair of your favorite stylish sneakers – my sneakers of choice are Keds – and call it a day. These pieces are so versatile and are a great addition to any wardrobe. What are your thoughts on the building blocks series so far? Has it been helpful in creating a well curated wardrobe for you? It’s made me reassess my closet and focus on pieces I truly love and need. I feel another closet purge coming on.