Lately I’ve been on an extreme bracelet kick. I’ve purchased at least six in the last couple months and have actually been wearing them – slightly shocking since I went through a phase where I didn’t want anything on my wrists. It is really difficult for me to find bracelets that fit, so I often find myself not even looking to buy them. Not to mention, I also work on my laptop a lot and wearing a bracelet sometimes becomes bothersome. Seems like I have a lot of excuses for not wearing these. One thing that got me back into bracelets was my subscription to RocksBox. I specified that I preferred a smaller size bracelet and they did a really good job in sending me pieces that fit the bill. There were definitely a few that just didn’t work, but I ended up with two that I absolutely love and wear often. Here’s a look at the bracelets I’m loving as of late. Are you a fan of bracelets? Do you wear them daily or just for special occasions?
Haven’t signed up for RocksBox yet? They’re offering a free month’s membership as well as $25 in purchase credit! It’s a win win. Sign up here.